Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Heavens Declare The Glory of God!

This, my dear friends, is the whirlpool galaxy, or M51, for you astronomy buffs out there. It isn't colliding with the galaxy beside it- that's way out beyond by however many thousand light years. The whirlpool galaxy itself is somewhere between 20-37 million light years away from us. The red areas are nebulae- considered to be stellar nurseries. In itself, the idea of stars being formed in the shroud of secrecy called a nebula is enough to make me exhale a little in sheer awe.
The Hubble telescope took this picture. However...what you can't see is the core of the galaxy. Hubble took a photo of that too. The x- structure that is found there took my breath away last night when I saw it at a worship conference, and all I could do was cry. Have a look, slowly, and savour it:

Can it be clearer? There is a God who loves us so much, He has written it upon the stars. In the core of a galaxy we can see face on. He LOVES you!!! The God of the universe is crazy in love with YOU!
This, right here, is the reason we live.
And we? Here we are, in what I believe is the last photo Voyager 1 ever took of earth.

A dust mote suspended in a sunbeam.
The blue jewel, no larger than a pixel, "coincidentally" imaged inside a reflection from the sun.
My heart echoes the psalmist today- "What is man, that You are mindful of him? The son of man, that You visit him?"
More on the conference when I return for real. But I knew y'all would love this.